Perfect Holiday Gifts from Teleflora Delivered Directly to Your Door #LoveOutLoud

9:54 PM

We all have that special someone on our list who is absolutely impossible to shop for. You know the one, they either have everything they could want already, or they give you absolutely no idea what they might possibly like. After racking my brain for years on what to get these hard to shop for people, I finally made my life easier, and just decided to shower them with a delightful and colorful surprise of fresh flower bouquets and centerpieces from Teleflora.

Teleflora is one of the leading gifting sources in the United States, featuring stunning bouquets made with love and flair always from local florists by hand. Your bouquets will never come dilapidated and wilting from days of travel, they are delivered straight from your home town florist. With over 10,000 florists in their network nationwide, there is always one near you.

This holiday season, Teleflora has focused on bringing families and friends together around the table with their Teleflora Table featured holiday bouquets. I was lucky enough to be able to review Teleflora's Halls of Holly Centerpiece featuring premium flowers mixed with seasonal greenery, and special holiday touches, all in an adorable collectible baking dish that can be used long after the flowers have run their course.

My bouquet arrived ice cold, well watered and in absolute perfect condition. The flowers were fresh and beautiful, not one was wilted. Even days later, the bouquet is still going strong. The ceramic baking dish is gorgeous in person, and very heavy duty. I can't wait to use it to bake holiday treats next year! At just $69.99 for the arrangement and the collectible baking dish, this bouquet is a great deal for those who need to purchase a gift for hard to buy for friends or family.

Not in your budget? No worries. Teleflora always features a wide range of products for all occasions on their site, that come in every budget. So, you are always sure to find something to meet your needs. Check out the other holiday bouquets Teleflora has, as well as all of the other arrangements they offer for every occasion you could think of at

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