25 Ways to Help Kids Give Thanks this #Thanksgiving
7:00 AMHalloween has passed and now everyone is looking forward to the holiday season. Before you jump on into full-fledged Christmas celebration though, there is still plenty of fun to be had for Thanksgiving. Teach children about the importance of family and being thankful with these 25 fun Thanksgiving activities.
1. Thankful Turkey Box Tutorial | I Heart Crafty Things
2. Thankfulness Trees | Makeovers & Motherhood
3. Gratitude Stones | Fireflies and Mudpies
4. Thankful Jar | Creative Family Fun
5. Thankful Turkey Kids’ Book Craft | B-Inspired Mama!
6. Thankful Pumpkin Tradition | One Artsy Mama
7. Thanksgiving Wreath with Paper Leaves | Meaningful Mama
8. Gratitude Leaf Garland | Sugar Aunts
9. Gratitude Turkeys | Happiness is Homemade
10. A Big Thanksgiving Tree | Preschool Powol Packets
11. I Am Thankful Give Thanks Printable | Your Modern Family
12. Thankfulness Chain | The Joys of Boys
13. Thankful Turkey | Learn Play Imagine
14. The Giving Tree Family ThanksGIVING Unit | Every Star is Different
15. Gratitude Leaves | Creative Family Fun
16. Gratitude Turkey Craft | All for the Boys
17. Thankful Hands Thanksgiving Craft | Mama Smiles
18. Gratitude Activity Jar | Inner Child Fun
19. Handmade Gratitude Journal for Kids | Kids Activities Blog
20. Thanksgiving Printable Coloring Page | Nurture Store
21. 12 Months of Family Service Projects | Every Star is Different
22. Thankful Yarn Turkey | Create Craft Love
23. Garland of Thanks | Mama Papa Bubba
24. Thanksgiving Random Acts of Kindness | Happy Home Fairy
25. Thankfulness Collage Placemat | Meaningful Mama