Nominate Your School for Tyson Project A+! #WMTProjectAPlus
5:43 PM
School has started, and with it, fundraising packets will soon be coming home. It seems like there are always needs that schools across the country are struggling to meet. Walmart and Tyson® have teamed up for the Tyson Project A+™, to help one lucky school receive $1,000 worth of Tyson Project A+™ labels, to help them get a head start on collecting labels for their school's fund!
What is Tyson Project A+™?
Tyson Project A+ is dedicated to helping schools raise money for things they need. By clipping and collecting labels on participating Tyson® chicken products, you can help your school meet its goals. Tyson® will give the school cash for each label turned in, which they can use to purchase anything they might need.
How To Help?
How can you help? Well, for starters, you can visit your local Walmart store and purchase your favorite Tyson® products, which help you create simple weeknight meals in a flash, like the 5-minute grilled chicken gyro recipe I shared last week, which I created with Tyson® Grilled and Ready® Chicken Breast Strips. Clip the label off the bag when you are done and take it to your school so they can add it to their collection.