Fighting the Insomnia Battle #IC
10:50 PMI participated in an Ambassador program on behalf of Influence Central for Pernix Therapeutics. I received a promotional item to thank me for my participation.
As I get older, I am finding it harder and harder to get the sleep that I so desperately need. The majority of my sleep troubles come from having too much on my plate, especially when I am traveling with the boys like I am now on our #90DayRoadTrip. When we are traveling, I spend every waking moment of they day out and about with the boys covering destinations and attractions, and then I have to work half the night to keep up with the demands of my job. It turns out, I am not alone, nearly 4 million Americans join me in suffering from some type of insomnia. Understanding how important a full night's rest is though, is the first step in getting help for your sleep related issues.
An uninterrupted night's rest is a critical part of maintaining your immune system, you memory and other vital functions that keep your body and mind working the way they should. The problem? Insomnia is a growing issue in this country, but few people are even aware of this fact. Nearly 62% of Americans suffer from some type of insomnia, but only 20% believe that they suffer from this condition, and only a mere 12% have been diagnosed by a doctor. See the facts in the America: Insomnia Nation survey below.
I guess what struck me the most is that 72% of Americans are missing out on almost three weeks of sleep per year. That is 470 hours of much needed rest for your mind and body. It is easy to not see the importance of a missed hour here or there, but when you add it up, it makes quite a difference.
The good news is that there are steps that can be taken to help treat insomnia. If you are like me, and have trouble sleeping through the night, you should consider having a discussion with your doctor about your routine, lifestyle and symptoms. You can learn more about treatment options and getting a full night's rest at
In the coming month's, I will be sharing more about my sleep struggles, so I hope you will come back and join me in my quest to get more rest. Do you suffer from insomnia too?