10 Simple Busy Bags for Road Trip Travel #FamilyTravel

9:27 AM

Summer has arrived, and with it comes road trips, lines at local attractions and other situations that could easily turn into a meltdown for your toddler or preschool-aged child. What's a parent to do though? These DIY busy bag ideas are the perfect way to keep little ones entertained this summer without carrying around a ton of toys and other gear. Check them out, and try a few on your next Summer family outing!

Busy Bags:

1. Mr. Men Shapes (Adventures of Adam): http://adventuresofadam.co.uk/mr-men-shapes-busy-bag/

2. Color Matching Busy Bag (Life Over C’s): http://lifeovercs.com/color-matching-busy-bag-with-clothespins/

3. Letter Match Busy Bag (Craftulate): https://craftulate.com/2013/11/clothespin-letter-match-busy-bag-fine-motor-fridays.html

4. Shapes Busy Bag (Artsy Momma): http://artsymomma.com/2014/09/shapes-busy-bag-activity-preschoolers.html

5. DIY Paint Chip Puzzles (Parenting Chaos): http://parentingchaos.com/diy-paint-chip-puzzles-for-kids/

6. Counting Sticks Busy Bag (B-Inspired Momma): http://b-inspiredmama.com/counting-sticks-busy-bag/

7. Velcro Dot Craft Sticks (Powerful Mothering): http://www.powerfulmothering.com/velcro-dot-craft-sticks/

8. Velcro Foam Chain (School Time Snippets):  

9. Color Pom Pom Drop (The Pleasantest Thing): http://www.pleasantestthing.com/2014/06/color-drop-pom-pom-activity-toddlers.html

10. Crayon Rubbing Cards (And Next Comes L): http://www.andnextcomesl.com/2013/10/hot-glue-gun-crayon-rubbing-busy-bag.html

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