15 South of the Border Recipes #CincoDeMayo
10:09 PMCinco de Mayo is just a few days away, and I love finding new recipes to celebrate with each year. Each week we have taco Tuesdays at our house and Cinco de Mayo just so happens to fall on Tuesday this year, making it the perfect time for us to try out a tasty South of the Border recipe or two. I put together a list of some of the tastiest looking recipes that I found around the Web and wanted to share them with you. Now, the only problem is deciding which one to make first.
1. Skillet (Eat At Home Cooks) http://eatathomecooks.com/2009/10/south-of-the-border-skillet.html
2. Sandwiches (The Girl Who Ate Everything) http://www.the-girl-who-ate-everything.com/2011/10/south-of-border-sandwiches.html
3. Chicken Bake (Cooking) http://www.cooking.com/recipes-and-more/recipes/south-border-chicken-bake-recipe#axzz3ShAu1LHe
4. Corn Side (Just A Pinch) http://www.justapinch.com/recipes/side/vegetable/dee-dees-south-of-the-border-corn.html
5. Bacon Dip (Kailey’s Kitchen) http://www.kailleyskitchen.com/2014/01/09/south-border-bacon-dip/
6. Lime Pork Stew (The Cozy Apron) http://thecozyapron.com/a-cozy-stew-spicy-tequila-lime-pork-stew-a-spirited-south-of-the-border-meal/
7. Pork Burritos (Bev Cooks) http://bevcooks.com/2012/07/slow-cooker-pork-burritos/
8. Dulce De Leche Bread Pudding (Everyday Southwest)
9. Chicken Tacos (Cooking Classy) http://www.cookingclassy.com/2012/04/chicken-tacos-cafe-rio-shredded-chicken-copycat-recipe/
10. Black Bean Tacos (Cooking Classy) http://www.cookingclassy.com/2014/09/roasted-veggie-black-bean-tacos/
11. Chicken Tortilla Soup (Cooking Classy) http://www.cookingclassy.com/2014/03/creamy-chicken-tortilla-soup/
12. Chicken Tamales (Family Food and Travel) http://familyfoodandtravel.com/2014/06/mexican-chicken-tamales-recipe.html
13. Mexican Lasagna (Pint Sized Treasures) http://pintsizedtreasures.com/easy-mexican-lasagna/
14. Stuffed Peppers (Happiness is Homemade)
15. Chicken Tortilla Soup (3 Boys and a Dog) http://3boysandadog.com/chicken-tortilla-soup-recipe/