10 Mother's Day Gift Ideas that Kids Can Make
12:10 AMMother's Day is coming up fast, and I know it can be stressful for both kids and dads trying to figure out what to give mom for her special day of recognition. Fortunately, there are a ton of really adorable and useful items that kids can make for mom, that won't cost a lot and are simple to do. I don't know about you, but as a mom, I love homemade gifts from the heart. That is why I came up with this awesome list of great Mother's Day gifts that kids can create themselves.
1. Hand-Shaped Ring Dish (Mama Papa Bubba): http://mamapapabubba.com/2014/05/08/hand-shaped-ring-dish/
2. Energizing Lemon Scrub (Lemon Lime Adventures):
3. Handprint Keepsake (Paging Fun Moms): http://pagingfunmums.com/2013/08/29/diy-baby-keepsake-using-homemade-clay/
4. Hidden Message Bath Bombs (Play Dough to Plato): http://www.playdoughtoplato.com/kids-science-hidden-message-bath-fizzies
5. Coffee Filter Flowers (Fun at Home with Kids):
6. Artwork Candles (Come Together Kids): http://www.cometogetherkids.com/2011/02/artwork-candles.html
7. Hug Jar (Homegrown Friends): http://homegrownfriends.com/home/the-hug-jar/
8. Glitter Candles (Lessons Learnt Journal): http://lessonslearntjournal.com/diy-christmas-gifts-glitter-candles/
9. Pour Painting Rainbow Vases (Growing a Jeweled Rose):
10. Tie-Dye Book Marks (Happy Hooligans): http://happyhooligans.ca/homemade-bookmarks-sharpies-rubbing-alcohol/