Mini Cupcake Cupcakes

9:32 AM

The other day I was trying to think of a fun but easy cupcake I could make for an event we were going to. I didn't want it to be super involved, but still wanted them to be cute and taste delicious. I saw the mini peanut butter cups in the Easter section and inspiration hit. Why not put a mini cupcake on top of your cupcake? That's exactly what I did. The cupcakes were a big hit, so I thought I would share them with you all.


1 Box cake mix
1 Container whipped white icing
Mini peanut butter cups


Step 1: Prepare the cupcakes according to the instructions on your box of cake mix.

Step 2: Ice your cupcakes. Be sure to use plenty of fluffy icing or your peanut butter cups will slide right off.

Step 3: Place a mini peanut butter cup on top of each cupcake off to one side.

Step 4: Ice the top of your mini peanut butter cups.

Step 5: Add sprinkles to brighten up your cupcakes.

Do you have any quick and easy cupcake decorating ideas to share?

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  1. What an adorable idea. It reminds me of how cacti set out new plants :)

  2. Those little minis are so adorable!

  3. Now you're speaking my language! Frosting and Mini Reese's Cups with cake :D nom nom.

  4. Clever Idea! Peanut Butter Cups are my favorite so I'm not sure how many would make it onto the big cupcakes! ~Toni~

  5. So simple and cute, love using boxed brands!

  6. I love this idea a lot. I don't have any quick easy suggestions for decorating ideas, but I can picture something involving cherries.

  7. Now that looks delicious and so cute!

  8. So. So. So. So. Cute. It's like they are wearing little hats!

  9. These are super cute and the mini cupcakes on the top are too adorable.

  10. I told you before that I thought those looked adorable! What a clever cookie you are to notice the shape similarities!

  11. How cute are these! They came out so cute. I may have to do this for Zoe's birthday, love them.

  12. These are so adorable! I would never have thought to use a mini pb cup as a mini cupcake. genius.

  13. That is such a cute idea! Speaking of peanut butter cups... I had some peanut butter cup popcorn yesterday that was AMAZING. Now I want more peanut butter cups!

  14. So cute! I thought those were mini-cupcakes at first but a candy cup is so much easier. The kids will love this!

  15. Such a cute idea to double up on the sweetness. I love the way this looks!

  16. What a fun simple idea! I'll have to do this next time I make cupcakes.

  17. Those are pretty much the cutest cupcakes ever & I fully intend on stealing that idea the next time I have to bring something to a party!

  18. Those turned out really cute. What a great idea.

  19. I love this! I love peanut butter cups and never thought to do this!



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