DIY St. Patrick's Day Dollar Tree Mini Hat

9:00 AM

#DIY St. Patrick's Day Mini Hat. #crafts

This weekend we head to Myrtle Beach and we'll be there over St. Patrick's Day. I wanted something cute that I could wear to a St. Patrick's Day celebration there. When we were at the Dollar Tree the other day I noticed some cute little mini hats, but they were kind of plain and they had that annoying elastic strap that cuts off your circulation. So, I gave the mini hat a little makeover and wallah, a super cute mini hat headband to celebrate St. Patrick's Day.


St. Patrick's Day mini hats from the Dollar Tree (5 to a pack)
Plane headband with a thicker width (these came 3 to a pack)


Step 1: Remove the elastic band and staples that come on the mini hat from the Dollar Tree.

Step 2: Glue the mini hat to the headband at an angle off to one side.

Step 3: Place glue all around the brim of the mini hat and then sprinkle on glitter and let dry.

Step 4: Tie a small bow with some St. Patrick's Day ribbon and glue the bow to the back of the mini hat.

Step 5: Glue some feathers on either side of the bow to the back of the mini hat.

See? Easy and super cute, not to mention it only cost me $2 plus some random craft supplies I already owned.

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  1. Cadence would love this. She loves St Patrick's Day

  2. Those are super cute! My daughter would sport that on St. Patrick's day with no issues :)

  3. That is super cute! I love the all the sparkles from the glitter.

  4. Hahah! What a great idea. It's so cute and the tutorial can be used for infinite other occasions!

  5. This is such an adorable idea and I like that it could be used for a few years. My girls would love them!

  6. Those look cute. I made full gold glitter ones to look like kermits hat in the new muppet movie.

  7. That's one of the cutest things I've ever seen! I need to try to find that hat at our dollar store, my son would LOVE that. He's been obsessed with St. Patrick's Day this year.

  8. Very cute! I saw some similar ones at a party store for 8 each! This is more fun and a much better deal!!



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