Montezuma Castle National Monument

4:15 PM

I was sifting through photos of our 50 day summer road trip the other day and came across some shots of our visit to the Montezuma Castle National Monument in Arizona. I had never shared these shots because they were not part of one of our designated stops, and were instead just part of a side trip that we made. On our trip, everything was planned out, but every once in a while, a sign on the side of the road caught our eye, and we made a detour for a few hours to explore a unique place. It's also how we wound up in Tupelo, MS. the birthplace of Elvis, and the Coral Pink Sand Dunes for some sand sledding. Anyway, these pictures brought back great memories and I wanted to share.

Constructed along the limestone cliffs over 800 years ago, Montezuma's Castle is a 5 story 40 room dwelling considered one of the most well preserved cliff dwellings in the United States. While in Mesa Verde, we were able to tour the inside of a cliff dwelling structure, but Montezuma's Castle closed their tours of the structure itself in 1951. Today, you can stroll the 1/3 of a mile loop trail that takes you mast this amazing standing monument of our country's past, where you can gaze through the windows and reflect on what life must have been like all those years ago. 

While there, don't forget to visit the museum inside the visitor's center for a complete walk through the history of the area and its people. Children can participate in the Junior Ranger Program, and picnic areas are available. Adult entry is $5, but children 16 and under are free and your fee is good for entrance up to 7 days.

Have you been to see Montezuma's Castle?

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  1. What a great place to visit. Looks beautiful.

  2. Oh wow that is so beautiful! Stunning!

  3. WOW that is amazing and makes you feel like you are really looking at a part of history. Why did they close the tours?

  4. I've never been there but that's amazing. I can't believe there are 40 rooms in there.

  5. It looks beautiful and I'm sad to say I've never heard of it!

  6. This is amazing!!! I love your photos.

  7. OMG!!! This takes me back to hen I went when I was 13 years old (22 years ago.. wow!!!) I still remember like it was yesterday. I think my kids would love it.. It's sooo awesome!

  8. Colleen, I think back then they didn't know the level of the damage that letting people go up unsupervised would do to it. I think once they started to notice they shut the tours down. It could also be a safety issue.

    Don't feel bad Courtney, I had never heard of it until I saw the sign either.

  9. This photos are gorgeous! And unfortunately, I'm from Arizona and I never heard of it before. LOL. Anyway, amazing post!

    xoxo Zoe

  10. How awesome is this! I actually think I may have visited here when I was really young.

  11. This is somewhere I've always wanted to visit.

  12. That castle is insane! So cool! Your photos are great!

  13. Wow, that's so cool. Really powerful to see something like that in person, I bet.

  14. This place looks very interesting. I am glad you decided to share these photos - even if they weren't on your planned route.

  15. I've never seen this in person but it looks amazing in the photos!

  16. What an amazing place, wow! I want to visit historical places with my family over the years

  17. So amazing. I can't do anything without modern tools. It's amazing what an entire civilization was able to accomplish with more limited means.

  18. What a breathtaking site and an awesome place to visit. History is truly amazing!

  19. I've never been there but I would love it and I'd definitely take a tour for some of the history and trivia!

  20. I haven't even heard of it before, but if I'm ever in the area, I'll for sure be stopping in.

  21. No, but would love to take my son. So beautiful!

  22. This is seriously one of the coolest things ever. To have a castle built in like that is amazingly beautiful!! I want to go see this!!!!

  23. Okay that would be an amazing place to visit!!!



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