Enjoy The Holidays and Don't Fear The Cleanup with #EasyOff

11:03 AM

This post is brought to you in collaboration with Easy Off® Oven Cleaner, but all words and opinion are my own. Special thanks to Easy Off® for giving me a reason to clean my oven!

The holidays are upon us, and with the holidays comes plenty of cooking, baking and entertaining friends and family members. Unfortunately, with all of those things comes a whole lot of mess. One of my least favorite things to clean is the oven. I don't know how, but it seems to get dirty so fast during this time of year, and it is not convenient to clean either. One time I almost set the house on fire trying to make bacon in the oven on Christmas morning, and it took me forever to clean that mess up. I recently tried out the Easy Off® Fume Free Oven Cleaner though, and cleaning the oven was a snap.

{Easy Off Oven Cleaner}

Easy Off takes the fear out of cleaning up those big holiday messages, and makes cleaning your oven painless as it possibly can be. There are two formulas, an Easy Off® Heavy Duty Oven Cleaner that is perfect for big hard to clean messes and for ovens that are not self cleaning.It can clean your oven in just 5 minutes! Have a self cleaning oven, or looking for a fume free product? The Easy Off® Fume Free Oven Cleaner is perfect for more frequent cleanings, and can be used on self cleaning ovens. You can use the Easy Off® Solutions Finder quiz to see which product would work best or you.

It has been a while since I cleaned my oven, but I wanted something that was Fume Free since I am recovering from a cold. I got out the Easy Off® Fume Free Cleaner, gave the door a spray and let it sit for 2 hours to penetrate the mess. Here it is before.

Here it is after. I want to mention that all I really had to do is wipe the mess off when I went back 2 hours later, there was not labor intensive scrubbing going on.

What do you think? You can pick up Easy Off® Heavy Duty or Fume Free Oven Cleaners at Walmart stores near you, and visit EasyOff.us to learn more!

How do you make holiday cleaning easier?

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  1. Wow that did a great job of cleaning up your oven!! I have heard this oven cleaner works wonders and now i can see proof!

  2. I went through a can when we moved and had some major cleanup to do, the oven turned out sparkly!

  3. wow if thats a real picture its awesome!:) i love that, never heard of it but i love all cleaners!

  4. After Thanksgiving, I'll definitely need some Easy Off. :)

  5. I don't really have a way to make cleaning easier. You just have to jump in a do it I suppose. Your post does remind me I want to clean my stove though!

    Wendy T

  6. I use Easy-Off... it works great!

  7. My oven looks a mess so I'll definitely be giving this a try!



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