Then There Was One - Making the Personal Decision to Homeschool

8:33 AM

The topic of homeschooling can be a really controversial one. There are those who honestly believe it is a bunch of bologna, and all people do is sit on their butt all day and let their children run wild. There are others who think that it is the only way to go, and start homeschooling their children from the very beginning. The truth for me, lies somewhere in between the two extremes. I started homeschooling out of necessity for my 11 year old who is dyslexic and could not get the individualized one-on-one help that he needed in the public school system, but it has now become something more.

On Friday of last week, I thought I had three boys that would be going to public school. On Friday we attended an orientation at the elementary school, on the way home, Jayden let me know that he wanted to be homeschooled because "I think it would help me learn better." Jayden has ADHD, and his behavior has caused him to be held back in the past and to get less than stellar grades. So, after some discussion about how homeschool is not a play pass, and showing him the work he would need to do, I withdrew him from the public school system.

Then, on Monday, I sent my youngest off to his first day of 2nd grade. When he came back that afternoon, he swore up and down that he wanted to be homeschooled. This is where the decision got tough. I wanted to do what was best for him. With the other two, I knew that homeschool clearly benefited them, but Jase made all A's in public school and had great behavior, I didn't want to take him away and possibly mess that up. We talked about it for a long time, several times in fact. We went over the curriculum, and still I agonized over whether it was good for him. In the end, I lined up my chosen curriculum with the Sunshine State Standards and realized that as long as we completed the work, he would not be behind the other kids should he choose to return next year.

So, just like that, I went from a homeschooling mom of one to a homeschooling mom of three. It is going to take some adjustment, hence the slow down in posts the last few days, but I am excited about the chance to be with my boys more, and watch the excitement as they enjoy learning new things. Homeschooling is a very personal choice that needs to be made by each family, and even from child to child. In the end, I believe it is a great choice for most of my children, and am happy with my decision.

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  1. That's great! Homeschooling is not for everyone but I think look up to those who can successfully do it. My kids and I both definitely need the break from each other during the day :)

  2. I commend you for homeschooling. It was something I thought about doing when my four were young but didn't feel I could handle it. Good for you. I'm sure they will be getting a great education.

  3. I definitely understand that it is not for everyone Anne and Elizabeth. :)

    If you had told me a few years ago that I would be homeschooling three of the boys I would have cried. I think a lot of it has to do with ages. There was a time when I even loved the fact that they went to afterschool because I needed that break, now they are at a point where it is not a problem to be with them all day. Well, most of the time. LOL

  4. I almost decided to homeschool when my son was just starting out. He had a lot of issues and I felt like he would do better with me. I ended giving it a second chance and it all worked out. However if I need to I will pull him out in a heartbeat.

  5. I've been contemplating homeschooling my oldest for a while now. Ultimately we worry about the social, or lack thereof, aspect since we don't have a large community.

  6. Tallahassee isn't that big Amber, but we have a good homeschool group. On Mondays, the boys will be taking two classes at a local co-op with other homeschool kids. On Tuesday afternoons, two of them have a cooking class at local community place that does elective type classes for homeschooled children. On Wednesdays we will go to the local park after school lets out and there are lots of kids there. On Thursdays my other son takes a pottery class at the same community center, and the homeschool group meets at the park for three hours or so. On Friday we will go do other community things where there are lot of kids.

    There are also homeschool sports, chorus and band, but the boys don't want to do those. There is a lot available. If you really want to homeschool, I would start looking on Facebook or Yahoo for local homeschool groups in your area, and they can point you in the direction of great socialization resources.

  7. With all the options and help they have with homeschooling now it's become a huge help for so many and making the decision to switch so much easier. I wish you the best of luck with your boys in this new venture.

  8. I was home-schooled through the 7th grade. :) It's funny how different it is now versus then (we didn't have a co-op). You are an amazing mother and I know that this new phase -- albeit challenging -- will be one you take on just as energetically as you did that monster of a camping trip. :)

  9. Congratulations on your decision. i can't wait to read about how it's all going.

  10. I think it's great your children voiced how they feel and want you to homeschool them. I have seen some wonderful things about homeschooling. I'm not sure it is for me, but I think I could do it if I thought it was needed.

  11. That's so great that you take a proactive role in your children's education & work to help them as much as you can. I really admire that.

  12. You have to do what you feel is best for your children and your family, and that's exactly what you did. Your boys are lucky to have such a caring mama!

  13. I would love to homeschool my kids, but my husband isn't too keen on the idea.

  14. My reason for not homeschooling is the opposite, I don't think I have the patience! Kudos to anyone who does. :)

  15. I really would love to home-school M. I'm hoping that by the time she's school aged I can still afford to be home. I think everyone makes the best decision for their child and I think your children are blessed with the best teacher for them ;)

  16. I often wonder what the stats are behind homeschooling.

  17. Good luck! I know I couldn't do it with my daughter because all we do is butt heads.

  18. That is AWESOME! I fully believe that children can excel in a homeschool environment and I actually thought about it for my children. But they are doing exceptionally well in public school and so far there have been no issues. If things change, I'll do more thinking on the subject.

  19. You are amazing. There are times I wish I could homeschool but I just am afraid I am not smart enough. If our schools didn't offer the help and tutoring they do (my middle has a very hard time with reading and comprehension) I would definitely consider it. For now, though, they offer great resources to help kids that need it and they have been in the top rated schools in Florida so I will let them continue going for now, if I needed to I am not against it at all. I love that you are doing what is best for your boys. I am looking forward to reading your journey :)



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