Sponsored Video - Work it Kitty!

12:16 PM

I don't know if you've noticed, but cats aren't always the most lively of creatures. Of course, kittens can jump, run and play with the best of them, but grown cats are often found lounging around in a window seat all day. Making sure they stay active and healthy can often be a chore. That is why Temptations Cat Treats have developed the Work It Kitty website. The site is inspired by the hilarious Work it Kitty video below, and is chock full of ways you can get your own cat active, and keep it healthy by serving up delicious Temptations Cat Treats to encourage your kitty to get moving!

Isn't it hilarious? Seriously though, there are ways that you can get your cats to get a workout and stay fit. All you have to do is visit the Work it Kitty website and you can get the full aerobic workout experience for your kitty, as well as access to special promotions. The current one allows you to collect 5 UPC's from Temptations treat packages and get a treat-dispensing exercise ball for your cat and a free tank top for you.

As soon as I get back home in a few days, I will definitely be trying some of these moves out on my own kitties. If nothing else, it will be a fun way to play with them and if they stay a little healthier, all the better!

How do you keep your pets active?

This post is sponsored by Temptations Cat Treats. 

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  1. I need to send it to my daughter so she can try it with her kitty cat!

  2. No cat here, but we run around our huge backyard with our Great Pyrenees chasing us. Well, at least my son does. :)

  3. Thanks for sharing, I'll share it with my cat ... when he wakes up ;)

  4. That's so funny! I love cats but I'm allergic and can't have one :(

  5. love it. We really want to get a cat but we have a few things to tackle here first

  6. Cat videos always crack me up. I miss having kitties in the house but alas, DH is allergic :(

  7. Sharing this with my sister! No pets here. Fun video1

  8. How funny! Our dog Harvey goes running with my husband 2-3 times a week.

  9. We take our dog out and play catch for an hour and that wears him out.

  10. Okay I literally laughed out loud several times during that video. Love it!

  11. We are a dog family, but cat videos are funnier.

  12. I couldn't bring myself to watch the video. I have a seriously bad cat phobia. :(



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