I'll Take You Home Again Kathleen

10:32 AM

That folks, is the title of the Irish song I was named after. My dad was part Irish and I believe fancied himself a true Irishman. Him and my mom agreed that if I was a girl he would get to name me and if I were a boy, my mom would. Well, I came out as the fourth girl in the family, so my name became Kathleen. It's funny. My dad died in December of 2005, his birthday, which was the same day as mine was on October 25th, but it is St. Patrick's Day when I think about him the most.

There was always corned beef and cabbage and Irish songs playing in our home on St. Patrick's Day. Of course my dad couldn't resist a little whiskey either, but then again, he couldn't resist it any other day of the year either. I grew up learning songs like 'The Unicorn Song', 'When Irish Eyes Are Smiling' and sang 'Tura Lura' as a lullaby to each of my boys.

So, today I just wanted to take a minute to remember one specific Irishman. I know he's raising his glass wherever he is.

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  1. Such sweet memories!! I think about my dad around Halloween! It was his favorite holiday.. he passed a few days before on October 28th. :(

  2. So sweet Kathleen I hope you had a great St. Patty's Day and here is to your dad!

  3. great tribute happy st. Pattys day to you with a hug

  4. Aww, such a sweet tribute. Major hugs <3

  5. I know all of those but The Unicorn Song. Sounds like a fun one!



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