Muscle Leggings and Other "Oh No They Didn't" Crazy Products

7:40 AM

Muscle Leggings

Have you ever been walking down the aisle of the store or flipping the channels on the TV and run across a crazy product that just made your jaw drop, and not in a good way? Let's face it, there are some things that just never should have been made. I guess everything has a place, but sometimes you see that product that makes would wonder "Who would use this?" All the products below made me really stop and wonder, what do you think, are they keepers?

Footprint Shoes

Computer Privacy Screen

Hat Wallet

Bacon Toothpaste

Fanny Floss

Beard of Bees

Have you come across any weird products in the store lately?


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  1. Ok what? Those fetal bites are DISGUSTING!

  2. Oh wow, I agree with Liz gross on those fetal bites, gag! Weird crap out there haha

  3. wow, seriously. I have to question ALL of these. What are you possibly looking at on a plane that you need that crazy cover up thing?

    and really the fetal bites? Who would think that's ok??? omg, seriously

  4. The scary thing is that people must actually buy this stuff!

  5. Two of those are just disturbing, and the rest are UNBELIEABLE!

  6. Who would even come up with something like fetal bites and I'd be a little worried if I saw someone on a plane with that cover up. The rest are just gross and ridiculous.

  7. These are just horrid! I should buy them and see what my hubby thinks..LOL!

  8. fetal bites are seriously disgusting!

  9. no, but those muscle pants reminds me of this tattoo I saw that was muscles and a piston on the leg cause the guy was a personal trainer.

  10. Who the heck spends money on this stuff

  11. What I wonder is who approved a budget for those products to be made?!

  12. I agree with everyone else, the fetal bites are just wrong on so many levels!

  13. Everything got a laugh but the fetal bites. Those are just disturbing.

  14. OMG. The feet shoes are freaking me out!!

  15. Oh my gosh.. I'd be so claustrophobic in the computer privacy get up!.. The fetal bits.... pitiful!

  16. I've seen the muscle leggings but omgoodness on the other articles LOL.

  17. HA! WTH is that computer privacy screen? ROFL. I can not stop laughing after seeing that.

  18. I would buy the muscle leggings. they're pretty awesome



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