This is What Happens When You Ask a 12 Year Old to Help With a Review

9:02 AM

So as I posted last night, we were given the opportunity to review the BlackBerry Playbook. I wanted to discuss how great it is at helping students stay organized and do better in school, but didn't just want to type out the boring facts. Cue my 12 year old. He fancies himself an actor and is even in drama this year. Oh boy. It was quite an experience trying to have him do a video review of the PlayBook. Did you know boys can giggle just like girls?

He started out by staring at the screen for like 5 minutes and then he turns to be and says "I forgot my lines." What lines kid? There are no lines. So I tell him "Just talk about how you use it and what you like about it." We get through one take and it is pretty good, except he keeps calling the thing the "My Tab." Well, since we have been using the PlayBook for weeks and I don't even know what a My Tab is, that could be a problem.

So we go to start the second take and right before the camera turns on, he starts snorting like a pig to clear his throat. I said something about it and this is what ensued. Yes, I did make it worse by snorting on purpose and specifically asking him about the "my tab". If you listen, you can hear all the boys cracking up in the background.

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  1. Love watching families play together. Way to rock the work-life balance Mama!

  2. Thanks! Once he started giggling, I figured it couldn't hurt to have fun with it, so I just started snorting.

  3. Love it Kathleen...I love doing this with my girls too. :)

  4. That was too cute! Love that he is helping you out, and having fun at the same time!

  5. Aw, Joshua is darling. You guys had a lot of fun filming it, I can tell.

  6. very cute. you guys made me laugh :)

  7. That was very cute. It's the small things like this that build great memories.

  8. That's so cute and it's awesome that he was willing to help you out :)

  9. haha , glad that you can get your children involved in your blog.

  10. Hahaha.. that must be so cute.. It's very lovely indeed having fun with our children! :D

  11. Hehe. I always loose it on camera too. vlogging.

  12. they can be pretty entertaining can't they. My 11 yr old does the same thing its crazy

  13. Oh that was too funny. his little laugh had me giggling over here. That was great!!

  14. That is hilarious! So cute. There's definitely need to be more reviews like that. This is why I hardly do any vlogging. I totally forget what I have to say. :)

  15. That was really cute! I have a 12 year old girl so I can appreciate 6th grade silliness!



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