Possible Looks for #BlogHer12 in New York - Help Me Decide?

12:06 PM

NY Shimmer
NY Shimmer by kbunn featuring low heels

Okay, so we all know that I may not always have the best fashion sense. However, I am trying to branch out from my basic black and get back on the metaphoric style horse after being pregnant for the last 9 months. Luckily, I am already down to below my weight at the first OB appointment, so all my clothes still fit. I meshed some of my old wardrobe with some new items that will be featured in upcoming reviews and giveaways, to come up with the these four looks. These looks are what I have so far for BlogHer in New York. Some of the items I have are slightly different than the ones pictured, but it is close enough to get an idea. Please feel free to share your thoughts and opinions and if anything is outright hideous, be sure to let me know!

NY Fly
ny comfy
ny comfy by kbunn featuring a cotton tunic

NY soft
NY soft by kbunn featuring diamond jewelry


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  1. Wow, These are fantastic. Thank you for the inspiration for Blogher!

  2. Love these outfits! The first one better be making an appearance at Sparklecorn. :)

  3. They look good to me! I wish I had some good staples to chose from for clothes. Are you going to be hot in jeans?

  4. Thanks ladies!

    Jennifer- That was the plan for outfit number one. :)

    Paula- I likely will be, but hope to be inside as much as possible. Also, I can't do shorts or capris at the moment thanks to left over baby flab from the pregnancy, so jeans and pants it is.

  5. Umm I like every board you have up!

  6. I really like the last board, but they all look great!

  7. How cute. Make sure that you're COMFORTABLE, especially if you're going to the private parties, because you might be running through the streets of NY (and the last time BlogHer was in NYC I remember having to walk for EVER).

  8. I think they are all adorable!! Love the first one for a night out! Cute!

  9. Nice! Either way you'll be stylin!

  10. OMG, you JUST had the baby, how can you be ready to wear those jeans? Jealous? Maybe ;-)

    Btw, they're all great.

  11. Go for comfort. I love all the above outfits, the 3rd one really stuck out at me in a good way :)

  12. LOL Connie, I didn't say I would look like the pictures, just that I have similar cut and style jeans that I can wear. :)

    Thanks everyone for the input!

  13. I have no fashion sense, but I like the last look the best.

  14. I think you have some really cute options! I like 1 and 3.

  15. I love them all, but my favorite is #3.
    I would say that I don't realy care for the yellow shoes in the first group, just my opinion.
    You are going to look fabulous! =)

  16. You are going to look FANTASTIC!

    It's my first time to BlogHer and I don't have a clue what to wear???

  17. I love love the first one. Comfy but classy! Just make sure you wear comfortable shoes seriously it is a must!

  18. They all look great but I love the first option.

  19. I love them all! It would be even cooler if we could see them on you :) but I'm sure they'll all look great!

    I'm still trying to decide if I should come, but I think I might sit this one out. I'd have to bring my little one and I'm not sure I want to do that. But I do live nearby, so if you'll have any extra time, I'd love to see you!

  20. Thanks for the great input everyone!

    Erika, I was so sad that the roomies from last year weren't coming this year. I will be there Wednesday afternoon though and have some time on Thursday as well as Sunday. Would love to catch up with you!

  21. You're gonna be rockin' it in any of these choices!



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