Never Squeeze Your Child - A Cautionary Tale

10:50 AM

The other day I took Jase into a public restroom at a local restaurant. Little did I know, that it would lead to a lesson on how you should never squeeze your child. Trust me, you will be happy that you learned this lesson. Let me set the scene for you. Jase went into a stall all by himself, because he is 6 and a big boy now. After some grunts and a few minutes had passed, I asked him if he needed help and this is how the rest of the story unfolded. P.S. I am a horrible artist and apparently I don't wear shoes in a public restroom.

After this, there was nothing left for me to do but lead my son past the other women standing outside the bathroom stall. I might add, they were not trying very hard to hide their amusement. So, what have we learned? Hug your child, tickle them, heck even give them a hand shake, but do not ever squeeze their bellies, because now you know what will happen. You're welcome. 

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  1. Hahaha! I literally lol'd at this. I feel your pain though I really do.

  2. lol. OMG! I can see everyone in the restroom smiling as you walked out.

  3. I just laughed out loud reading that. Would not have been able to help myself if I was in the bathroom too.

  4. I've had my share of "experiences" with my son in public restrooms. lol. I will definitely think twice before I squeeze my son, now. :)

  5. Oh my gosh, this is so funny, and I LOVE the artwork…hahahaha!

  6. omg, those people are probably still laughing about it!

  7. Very funny, but you should wear shoes in a public restroom :)

  8. I know Robert, I really should remember to slip on some shoes next time I go out in public. :)

  9. I love that to top it ALL off, this happened in a restaurant bathroom. A great way to want to go back and eat more right?

  10. Oh Marcie, after so many years of having four boys and every bodily fluid and function under the sun, nothing phases me or makes me lose my appetite anymore. :)

  11. I can't believe you made those drawings. lol

  12. I have never had that kind of experience-never had children, but I'm an an "extra granny" for my husband's grandkids.

  13. I will take this advice to heart. I hereby promise to never squeeze a kid.

  14. Bahahaaa I could not help but laugh. Just Sunday, my son was having a hard time and I actually pressed in & around his Thank God we were at home..... :)
    And the drawings are priceless!

  15. LOL. I promise not to squeeze the charmin - I mean the kid.



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