"Guy Time" Food Fun with Ball Park Franks + Hotdogopus Recipe!

7:08 AM

It's no secret that guys like to play with their food, and they like food that is interesting to say the least. Since most the guys in my life are still in the maturing phase (are they really ever out of it?), I have come up with several go-to hot dog recipes throughout the years that are perfect for get-togethers, game days or just a quick meal at home. With the help of Ball Park whose new campaign is “Men. Easier Fed Than Understood," the boys and men in my life are both entertained and well fed.

Meet the Hotdogopus!

When you are a mom with all boys, you quickly learn to make food fun. The more fun it is to look at, the quicker it will disappear from their plates. Enter the hotdogopus. Yes, that totally is the really name, or at least what I call it. Basically, I take some delicious Ball Park Bun Size Beef Franks and cook them up. When they are done, I use a knife to start slicing out eight little legs about an inch from the top of the hot dog. After that, I add ketchup eyes and a mouth. Place this cute little critter over a fresh bun and I promise you the little guys in your life will gobble them up.

Crunchy Hot Dog Tacos

Photo from Betty Crocker

Stick with me here, I promise this is a delicious mix of two favorite guy foods. Take a juicy Ball Park Frank and top it with some taco meat, tomatoes, lettuce, cheese and serve it in a crunchy taco shell for a yummy way to get a second meal out of that left over taco meat. Trust me, the guys will eat it up!

Head on over to Facebook for more information and recipes from Ball Park Franks. Feel free to share your favorite "guy time" recipes below!

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  1. the hotdogopus is crackin me up!

  2. You know, the hotdogopus now has an infomercial? You can buy this thing and it'll cut it in that shape for you! I think the crunchy hot dog tacos sound delicious. Does that make me a guy??

  3. I had no idea they made a special tool for that Cheryl lol. Sure would make it easier.



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