An Ode to Vomit

5:12 AM

I should probably point out that the last few days, vomit has just about consumed my life, so I really had no other choice than to write about it. When you think about it, it really is quite a phenomenon. They always say write about what you know and for the last few days with sick boys, this is what I have known. Thankfully,  they are all well and better now, but it was rough there for a while, hence my ode to the power of vomit.

An Ode to Vomit

Vomit, your are a vile and disgusting thing
Whether on the floor, in a pot or on the toilet ring
You sink, slither and splatter everywhere
Sometimes you even end up in my hair
Nothing I use seems to clear your smell
Although my nose is so assaulted I really can't tell
Sometimes you are quite chunky and colorful
But you are never welcomed and always stressful
I fight you off with buckets of disinfectant spray
But still you live to fight another day
I am finally able to get you to go
But you fought well my worthy foe.

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  1. That's one I haven't seen before. Lol.

  2. My son had some kind of 24 hour stomach bug last Wednesday. He vomited all day long. blech! Cute poem... if poems about vomit can be cute. :-)

  3. You are painting pictures with words. However, given that we're talking about "puke" I'm not sure that's a good thing!

  4. Don't you like how I was considerate enough to use a photo of pumpkin guts instead of actual vomit though? :)

  5. LOL, my kids and I laughed when I read it to them. THanks for the Monday morning laugh.

    my_2_cents at hotmail dot com

  6. Love the picture... glad your kids are getting better!

  7. Haha that is to funny, I want to make a vomiting pumkin!

  8. lol!
    I'm glad the kids are better and I hope that you do not catch it!

  9. I have to laugh every time I see one of the puking pumpkins.

  10. That photo is disgusting but the ode is so funny!

  11. That picture, haha! On a side note, I haven't been feeling up to par myself. Seems like the flu bug is really going around. :(

  12. I love that pic!! I wish I could carve pumpkins like that.

  13. I hope your boys feel better soon :( Love the pumpkins!

  14. Hope your boys are feeling better I do not wish vomit duty on anyone. But I suppose its part of being a mom

  15. No matter what, I'll never create an ode to vomit. No respect for vomit from me. :)

  16. Hope everyone is healthy, now. Viruses are spread up to two weeks after person is better through fecal matter. This usually means not washing their hands throughly before touching something -- and then someone else touches the same thing (like a doornob) and voila -- they are sick. So make sure to have your boys wash their hands very good for the next few weeks!

  17. hope everyone is feeling unvomity soon

  18. Sorry, no respect from me, either. I hope your family is feeling better!

  19. I love the pumpkin pic. Those are so funny to me. I am glad to hear everyone is feeling better.

  20. Oh shoot, I'm glad your boys are feeling better.

  21. Awww, glad they're better but at least it made for a funny poem!

  22. This is DISGUSTING! LOL Has Cheryl read it yet? LOL

  23. Glad the kiddos are feeling better. Ugh vomit!

  24. Ick....poor you! I'm glad they are feeling better now.

  25. What a lovely poem. lol. Hope everyone feels better!

  26. LOL nice! My kid christened my new car with vomit today too :)

  27. I hate vomit. One of our twins tends to get carsick from time to time and a few weeks ago threw up all over and in his brand new car seat. If I had not put the box in the recycling the day before, I may have packed it back up and returned it. it was horrid. I had to use qtips to clean in all of the cracks and crevices. Bleh.



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