Fugly Friday - The Ugliest Things on Craigslist in Las Vegas

9:03 AM

 A beautiful troll bobble head. The perfect $50 Christmas gift for any kid!

This week for Fugly Friday, we head on over to Las Vegas, since I have received a few requests. Now, there is no doubt that Sin City has likely produced its share of ugliness, but there is a lot of beauty to be found there as well. Unfortunately, the things below did not made that list. There were some really ugly items on the Las Vegas Craigslist and they weren't all that hard to find this time. Check them out and enjoy your weekend!

For only $100 you can own this lovely branch. They call it driftwood and even took a picture of it in their fish tank, but you can clearly see where this "branch" was sliced off a tree in the backyard. Save yourself some money and take a walk on the beach to get your own wood people.

Let's have a little fun with this one shall we? I am not going to tell you what this is, but it is for sale on the Las Vegas Craigslist and it costs $10 for two handfuls. Anyone care to take a guess?

I actually considered buying this just to freak out my kids. This is one freaky looking frog and he is mad. Someone seriously peed in his bowl of flies this morning. He is only $50 though, so if freaky frog statues with glued on coins is your thing, here ya go. Have you ever seen a frog with toenails?

In case you can't tell by the picture, this is a "sturdy" trailer. It is only $100 and you should consider yourself lucky, because only the day before I found it, it was $250. I wonder what holds it together. I guess you should be convinced it works because it can hold three pieces of sugar cane.

Here is our ugly couch for the week. It is a shame, because the rest of the room looks to be done really nicely and look, there is the $100 piece of wood in the vase on the left. Now we know who buys it! Anyway, the couch hurts my eyes and looks like something a bunch of teenagers would have smoked weed on in a basement in the 70's. Oh yeah, and the price? $350

I think the people who sell stuff on Craigslist should stop going shopping when they are drunk. What other reason would someone have picked up this doll and thought, "Oh it is so adorable I want to take it home." Now they are all sober and trying to sell it to other drunk people online. If you like this doll I apologize, I do realize that cuteness is subjective and am not trying to hurt any feelings.

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  1. It looks like some kind of congealed green pasta type thingy. lol.

  2. I look forward to this post every week because I get a good chuckle. I don't even want to know what that green crap is. Bleh.

  3. 99% sure it is seaweed. Sushi bars make salads out of it. (perhaps harvested with the driftwood ;)

  4. You crack me up! No guess at all what that wad of green stuff is.

    I am considering getting me a branch though!

  5. Hilarious! I think I might have to check out my local craigslist and see what funny stuff we have for sale around here :)

  6. Oh my, that first one takes the cake! I oughta buy it for a Christmas gift to see someone's reaction. J/k ;)

  7. ok...I like the couch. But yeah, the branch is a bit nuts!

  8. I wanna know who pays $100 for that branch. lol

  9. Someone with too much money Megan lol.

    Heather - to each their own. I still love you :) Rhea liked the cow chair a few weeks ago.

    To those who said seaweed, I am going to give it to you. Technically, it is algae, but since seaweed is an algae, you can be the winners! Yummy!

  10. Kathleen, these are awesome! I love visiting your site on Fridays!

  11. Lol! too funny...makes me want to look for weird stuff on craigslist for my area.

  12. LMAO! I want that first one, hahaha!

  13. Very funny, who would sell algea?

  14. LMAO!!! These posts crack me up!!

  15. I can't believe people put this stuff on there!! lol

  16. I keep looking at this stuff and saying "what on earth??"

  17. Thank you for doing Vegas!!! I can't believe these people are my neighbors. Although I will say, I disagree with just one point: "Save yourself some money and take a walk on the beach to get your own wood people" <--- we don't have a beach! Or many trees for that matter. But selling that? Still ridiculous :)

  18. Holy crap, Las Vegas can be a very very scary place.

  19. Good point Susie! I am pretty sure they just soaked it in their fish tank lol.

  20. I think that troll bobblehead would scare your kids more than that frog. That thing is creepy.

  21. You are SO funny! That trailer holding three pieces of sugar cane really made me laugh. :) People who try to sell junk on Craigslist crack me up, why do they try to get so much for their stuff? And do people actually buy it? I don't get it.

  22. Hooray you did Vegas!! (My city) People are especially insane here and since the nearest beach is 4hrs away, I doubt that's driftwood.

  23. Wow, some eye catching stuff... ;-)

  24. Maybe it is imported Marcie? lol

  25. That green pasta thingy is wierding me out!

  26. I wonder if even the crappy stuff sells?

  27. I don't know if anyone has answered, but the green stuff is fish tank algae (I think Chaeto .. or Calerpa ... one of the two); we used to grow it in our fish tank. It's prized stuff in the salt-water fish tank world! lol

  28. lol wow what people will try to sell too funny

  29. This is too funny! As cool as that branch would look for Halloween, who in their right mind would pay $100?! lol

  30. Totally weird! I would never have even thought of listing some of these things lol

  31. Haha - thanks for this post! Ppl are so weird!

  32. I like the couch. But yeah, the branch is a bit nuts!

  33. What is that green thing? Something looks like gelatin.



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