My #BlogHer11 Oath - You Should Totally Take it Too

8:07 AM

Since I leave for my first trip to BlogHer in 349,798 seconds, I thought it would only be appropriate to take my official oath (<-Sounds much more serious than pledge doesn't it?) I strongly suggest that you all take it with me. It is totally a suggestion, no BlogHer cops are going to come after you with their tweets a blazin' if you don't or anything, or maybe they will. Who knows? Without further ado, I present to you my BlogHer 2011 oath!

I Kathleen Bunn (<-you can insert your name here) do solemnly swear not to be jealous of others' swag.
I will not squish babies who are on their mamas' backs or bellies into the wall to get a coffee cup.
I will not blackmail PR agents for a pair of shoes, no matter how comfy they may be.
I will not drink more than I ever have before and streak through the halls blinding all in sight.
I will not gossip, brag or otherwise make other bloggers feel crummy.
I will not whine or complain and will instead escape to the bathroom for a timeout if needed.
I will enjoy my mommy time alone and not check on my kids a million times a day.
I will try my best to be friendly to all I meet and not come across as a snobby hermit.
I will throw caution to the wind and dance in public, wear a dress and do other things I never get to.
I will hobknob with some of my favorite brands and will force them to telepathically remember me!
I will laugh, love and learn as much as possible at BlogHer and bring home some amazing memories.
This is my BlogHer 2011 oath and I swear by my BlogHer badge and drink tickets that I will do my best to uphold it.

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  1. I sure hope that mot people abide by these rules, they sound like pretty decent life-choices all around that we should already be trained to live by.

  2. lol Steph. How did I know that you would weigh in on this one. :)

  3. I think this is fabulous! I Linked to you in my blogher post, today. <3

  4. Yay! Thanks Rhea, I <3 you!

    So glad to hear you joined in the oath as well Hanan! BlogHer is going to be an amazing and fun experience for everyone involved if we all keep our wits about us. :)

  5. I can't promise I won't streak...

  6. I do solemnly swear.

    Love this post. I really hope to meet you next weekend!

  7. What a great oath that can be used for every singles conference out there. Have a great time at BlogHer

  8. Haha! Great post. So bummed I won't be able to make BlogHer this time - hope to see you there next year!

  9. Love this! What a great oath! It is my first BlogHer, but I will do my best to keep it :)

  10. Awesome, for all of you who will be at BlogHer, I hope to run into you and for those of you who can't make it this year, I really hope to meet you next year!

  11. love it!!! My favorite one is: I will throw caution to the wind and dance in public, wear a dress and do other things I never get to.

    This non dress wearin momma is wearing 2 dresses at BlogHer.

  12. I particularly like the telepathic remembering. Can you teaching me that Wednesday night?

  13. Sure thing Lisa, it is all about the eye contact. lol

  14. Amen. This is so funny. I love it!



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