Introducing Crocs Chameleons Color-Changing Shoes!

12:46 AM

As the weather turns warm and kids gear up for summer break, parents everywhere are looking for the perfect summer shoe. One that can be worn in a variety of places, is functional and above all else is comfortable! Crocs has come up with a summer shoe for kids that is an absolute blast. The new Crocs Chameleons color-changing shoes provide all of the comfort and durability you have come to expect from the brand, with an extra fun twist. These shoes actually change color in the sun!

{About Crocs Chameleons}
Set to be released to the public May 13th, the new Crocs Chameleons shoes come in the traditional clog style as well as a more girly sandal style, the Shirley. There are five color combinations to choose from:
  • Lime/Yellow
  • Oyster/Pink Lemonade
  • Celery/Sea Blue
  • Oyster/Ultraviolet (Shirley style only)
  • Celery/Fuchsia (Shirley style only)
     The shoes change from a muted translucent color into a different more vibrant color when exposed to sunlight. I was really excited to be given the opportunity to let my boys try these out. We received both a Lime/Yellow pair and a Celery/Sea Blue pair of the clog style Croc Chameleons. The boys instantly loved them and my youngest has yet to take them off. I was not expecting the color change to be so quick or dramatic, but it is awesome! The second the light hits the shoes, they change color quickly and the same is true for when you step into the shade.

    See them in action!

    {Get First Dibs}

    Want first dibs at the new Crocs Chameleons color-changing shoes? You can visit for the latest news and to receive inside information about the upcoming release of these fun summer shoes!

    {Win a Pair!}

    Random posts will go up on the Crocs Facebook page about the Crocs Chameleon shoes. Just comment on these Facebook wall posts and you could be randomly selected to receive a pair of your own! A post went up today in fact, so run on over there and leave a comment now for your chance to win!

    Crocs will also be holding a super fun Twitter party Monday May 9th from 7-8 p.m. MST to celebrate the upcoming release of the Chameleon shoes. The Twitter party will focus on summer essentials for kids and families and of course you could be lucky enough to win a pair of shoes! Here are the important details:
    • The hashtag for the party is #CrocsChameleons
    • Questions will be asked every 5-10 minutes during the party, so there should be some great conversation going on!
    • Everyone who RSVPs by 5p.m. MST on Monday for the party by tweeting their excitement about joining the party with the hashtag #CrocsChameleons will be entered to win free shoes and there will be other giveaways during the party itself. 
    These are some of the coolest shoes I have seen in a long time and the kids adore them. If you are searching for the perfect summer shoe this year, then look no further than the Crocs Chameleons color-changing shoes!

    *I received Crocs Chameleon shoes for the purpose of review, but was not compensated for this post in any other way. All thoughts and opinions expressed here are entirely my own.

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    1. Oh, I love this…how cute! My son would get a kick out of them.

    2. How cool! I love these, I'm sure your kids loved them. I would have loved these as a kid. I love my Crocs toning shoes, what a great brand.

    3. I have the Crocs Tone shoes as well Julie and I adore them. The kids really seem to like these too. It is funny, because before I gave them a shot, I really swore off Crocs all together because of the way I thought they had to look.

    4. These are so cute... I know that my grandson would love these. Thanks for the information.

    5. These are really cool. Zoe loves Crocs and would love how they change colors.

    6. Those are adorable! My kids would get such a kick out of color changing shoes. Especially my son.

    7. i saw these the other day. I think they are really fun for kids!


    8. My kids have recently became obsessed with shirts that change color. They would love shoes that change color too. I did not know about these, thanks.

    9. The color change is actually really obvious! That makes it REALLY fun!

    10. Bryson wore Crocs all last summer and I've got to get him a new pair this year. These are awesome!



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