4 Ways To Get More Traffic From StumbleUpon

8:00 AM

StumbleUpon is a great way to share and discover new content online. More than that though, it is a site that has the ability to provide you with a huge boost in traffic for your blog or website. If used correctly, you can easily double or even triple your traffic on a daily basis and build a loyal following of targeted readers. StumbleUpon is my number one source of traffic and these are four of the tips that I have found most helpful when using this source.

1. Know the Rules

The first thing you need to know about StumbleUpon is that even though it is a sort of social networking site and has user generated content, it still has rules and guidelines. Knowing these rules and what is a good post to stumble and what isn't is the first key to success when trying to get more traffic to your blog.

Posts such as sweepstakes, adult content and posts that are time sensitive are not good Stumble fodder and the more that a post you stumble is given a thumbs down, the more it effects the weight you have towards future stumbles. How-to posts, recipes and timeless information all do well on StumbleUpon and is the type of content you should be targeting for more traffic.

2. Share the Love

No one likely a stingy greedy person and the same goes for StumbleUpon. If the only time you hit a "Stumble" button is to promote your own posts each day, you will eventually either be banned from submitting new stumbles or your stumbling will cease to pull weight and yield traffic for anyone, yourself included.

Share the love with others and use the Stumble toolbar to discover new sites. You can choose to only stumble in the topics you like, and a lot of great information can be found that you would never have the opportunity to discover otherwise. Try to stumble at least 10 other posts by others before stumbling one of your own.

3. Be Consistent

Those who stumble on a regular daily basis and interact with followers will have the best results when trying to get more traffic from StumbleUpon. Be consistent with your efforts and it will pay off big time in the end. As you build up friendships and alliances with others, you can use the share button to share posts you want stumbled with your friends and they can do the same with you. Think of it as building a team instead of playing one on one.

4. Choose Your Categories and Time Wisely

The first person to stumble every post will be given the option to choose the category that the post will be placed into. Having your post placed in the wrong category can instantly kill your chance at any traffic at all! If you are the first person to stumble your post, choose the category wisely. It takes some time to know what categories are more popular with StumbleUpon users, but once you get the hang of it, you know which ones to choose.

Selecting the right time of day to use StumbleUpon to promote your post is another important factor in generating more traffic. Men and women stumble at different times of the day and they also stumble various topics at different times of the day or night as well. For instance, women stumble more in the morning, while men tend to stumble into the late night hours. StumbleUpon recently shared a detailed post on their blog about the best times for stumbling and the most popularly stumbled topics by both genders. It is definitely worth a look if you want to boost your traffic!

Have questions or maybe even StumbleUpon traffic tips of your own? Feel free to make full use of the comment section below!

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  1. Great tips! I just began using Stumble and this will help me figure out how to use it properly!

  2. Thanks ladies, I hope it helps. StumbleUpon really is an amazing resource when used correctly!

  3. I am hoping to be a more regular stumbler user, starting with this great post!

  4. Great tips Kathleen. Over 35% of my traffic comes from StumbleUpon ;)

  5. Great post! I am a big fan of SU and get a lot of traffic from there. It's great to see so many people using it.

  6. i am still trying to get used to Stumble, so great advice. I stumbled!

  7. Great advice! I am new to stumble upon and am loving it so far! My question is, though.. How does one interact with followers?

  8. as you know, I love SU! Thanks for the awesome post!

  9. I try to write reviews, place in right category and add correct tags when I add sites to StumbleUpon.

    I LOVE StumbleUpon and it does give me lots of extra free traffic to my websites.



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