Happy 7th Birthday Peanut!

11:03 AM

My little peanut turned 7 last night and I just can't believe how fast he is growing up. Birthdays are a sad time for me, because as happy as I am to see them grow and thrive, they are growing up and part of me wishes I could keep them little forever.

We are having a party this coming weekend, but we had a little party last night at home with a cake that he picked out and the rest of his presents (he got some early LOL). Happy Birthday my little peanut, I love you bunches!

Sippy Cups and Cloth Bums

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    1. Great pictures!!

      I found you on Mom Blog Monday Blog Hop and I am now following you. Hope you can visit me too!
      and Busy Moms Who Love to Read

    2. Happy Birthday to your little man! I feel the same way about birthdays, it is hard to know that the older they get the less they will need you. I hope you guys have a great party. I love the pictures he looks so happy!

    3. Happy Birthday to your little man! Wow, I get depressed on birthdays too...they grow up TOO fast :) Hope he enjoyed the cake and have fun at the party too!!

    4. Something is seriously wrong with GFC today because I know for a fact I was already a follower because I won my first giveaway here. But it let me follow again so I went ahead and followed again.

      Stopping by from Mom Blog Monday


    5. Hi,

      Just stopping by again. Happy Birthday to your little man! :)

      Heather from Mommy Only Has Two Hands!

    6. Happy Birthday little man! He is so happy, and so excited about all the "loot". Love the pic of him blowing out the candles!

      What a great idea to space out the gift giving. Then he can enjoy it more.

      As my kids were growing, at first I was sad and then as they get older it gets scary! Especially around driving age!!!

    7. Hi! Thanks so much for linking up at Mom Blog Monday and helping us advertise! Happy Birthday to your son! Have a great day!


    8. Peanut (I'm sure that's your AKA so insert you real name here______________),
      Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy
      Birthday times seven to you,
      have a blast and enjoy all the cake and presents too.
      I'll say a little prayer for you,
      that God blesses the rest of your seventh birthday year too.
      God Bless you now and forever.



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