Stop Sibling Fights Now - 4 Tips to End the Bickering

2:32 AM

As a mom of four children and especially as a mom of four boys, I have heard my fair share of fights and petty bickering. In our house, two boys share each room and this can often lead to some nasty arguments. Add to that the fact that they are so close in age, together all the time, and are not the Jonas Brothers and I have come close to pulling my hair out a time or two. The four tips below are a few that I have found to help put an end to fights, especially among older siblings and I hope they work for you!

Schedule Activities

It may sound simple, but scheduling them to do certain activities throughout the day will keep them busy and entertained. If they are having fun doing things together and with you, then they will not have time to pick at each other. Of course, this only works if you are able to supervise them, otherwise they will simply fight while doing the activities alone.

Lots and Lots of Hugs

I don't know about your older children, but there is nothing that my 10 and 8 year old hate more than having to hug each other. So, when they get into an argument or call each other names, it is hug time. Now, these aren't the little 4 feet away arm squeeze hugs, no these are the tender "I love my brother" hugs and if you don't do it right you have to keep on trying. *insert evil witch laugh here*

Love Notes

This one sounds hilarious, but I promise you it will calm them down and make them stop fighting. Again, they have to be older to do this, but my older boys are where I have the most problems with fighting. Have them sit down and right down a list of reasons why they love their sibling, things they like about them, or just a random list of things they admire in them. Feel free to set a minimum word count or length. :)

Take the Temptation Away

My boys learned a long time ago that if they were fighting over an item, it was going to go to the top of the cabinets. That is where everything goes that I take away and it is not likely to return anytime soon. So, if your children are arguing over a toy, game or other item, just remove the temptation and tell them to forget about it.

Hope these tips will help some of you. I know everyone has to find their own way of doing things, but the items above are meant to difuse the immediate situation and focus on a resolution.

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  1. Hi there!!! Thanks for stopping by, I'm your newest follower. Love your blog and I can only imagine how busy you are with your boys. I have one boy and he wears me out!! :)
    Have a great day!

  2. Its part of the bonding and growing up for the boys!
    Just love them all the same even thought they have different personalities.
    The most important,make sure the desserts are cut evenly ,don't be off by a smidgen !!

  3. That is so funny Peggy. I have actually been known to count out chips and other items just to make sure everyone has the exact same amount.

  4. Thanks for sharing...scheduling activities definitely works!! The more "free" time my kids have, the more they fight!!

  5. here from SP and wanted to say hi.
    Take a minute an check my blog out if you haven't already.
    I have lots of great giveaways going on.
    Thanks :)

  6. These are great ideas. As I am an only child, I do not comprehend sibling fighting... I longed for a brother or sister so much, I still have trouble understanding how one minute everyone is happy and enjoying themselves and then someone has to go and poke someone else "just because." My husband laughs at me so hard... he had two brothers.

  7. I am your newest follower from Blog Hop Friday! I absolutely love your blog!

  8. Great ideas! My boys are only 2.5 and 15 months but are already fighting. I find that having an activity everyday really helps them already. Even if it is as simple as helping me with the laundry or the dishes. I try and schedule at least 2 play dates a week for them too.

  9. very good! taking some tips from you! Thank you so much!
    Happy Social parade! Following you now, come say hi and do the same!

  10. I'm a new follower via the social parade. Hosting my 1st it's friday i'm blogging HOP too ;)
    my girls are 4 and 6 and the fighting isn't constant but when its on, IT's ON!

  11. Following, please follow back if you haven't already : )
    Have a great day!

    Lucas's Journey with Sensory Processing Disorder

  12. LOL - I love it - why do you love your brother. I never thought of that one - but it is priceless!

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