My Baby Boy is 10 Today!

8:57 PM

 My oldest son turned 10 today. Although we celebrated his birthday a few weekends ago, today is his actual birthday. It is so hard to believe that the grown-up boy I see today is the same little baby I used to rock to sleep every night. Stubborn, hard headed, and boy does he have a mouth on him, take all that away though and deep down he is the sweetest little boy who writes his mommy "I love you" letters and gives his leftover birthday money to charities for children when he is shopping at Toys R' Us.

Each year for the last few years, I have posted countless ads on Craigslist sites in each state and countries around the World, asking people to send a card for him to a P.O. Box for safety reasons. This was an idea born of desperation one year around his birthday when we were low on funds, but I wanted to make his day special. Now it has become tradition. It truly restores your faith in humanity when the cards start pouring in.

I am including some pictures from last year as I won't put the cards on the entertainment center anymore cause they left marks and no other area is big enough. The ones from this year (250 of them) are going into binders for safe keeping. Hug your little ones close, because before you know it they will be all grown up!

Happy Birthday my Little Man!

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  1. Happy Birthday! My youngest son turns 10 on July 6th.

  2. Happy Birthday to you boy!! Mine just turned 8 last week!
    Hey I gave you a Blog Award on my site :)

  3. Well Happy Birthday to your son too Brandy and a belated Happy BDay to yours Melanie.

    How very sweet of you to give me an award. I don't know what I am going to do with all of these wonderful awards lately. You all are too nice to me. :)

  4. Happy Birthday! To be honest I started tearing up that he writes you little I love you notes. I can't wait until my son does that! :)

    And what a neat idea with the cards! I'm so happy he got a lot of them, it would restore my faith in humanity as well if someone took the time to do that for my son.

  5. That is such a neat idea! I'm going to have to try that for my daughter's birthday. i think she'd love that.



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